Company No. 05363335

Status: Active
Date of Incorporation: 14/02/2005

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Company Type: Private Limited Company

Global Trade

Global trade is now still at the forefront of world business. Once this trade fuelled wars and inhumanities, now can fuel education food and increase the living standards of those in the most need. We believe the only way to do global business is to reinvest in the globe.

Global trade is now still at the forefront of world business. Once this trade fuelled wars and inhumanities, now can fuel education food and increase the living standards of those in the most need. We believe the only way to do global business is to reinvest in the globe


As the world logs onto the internet the business opportunities grow. Some online market places have now grown to a scale high street chains could only dream off and all in a virtual world

Methods of shopping such as online auction sites have changed the way consumers buy products.  This new technology has opened up doors for businesses that were once unable to compete in a market controlled by a few and at the same time closed doors for the same number.

Small Business

Business Doesn't need to be about big money for big results, small businesses, if managed correctly and placed well in a market, can gain market share. Heavy reinvestment of profits and tight management can mean even the smallest startup can rapidly become a market player and establish the brand.